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The Animated Blake

Intro Everything possible to be believed is an image of truth. --William Blake Acts The eagle never lost so much time, as when he submitted to learn of the crow. --William Blake Synopsis The fox provides for himself. but God provides for the lion. --William Blake ScreenSaviour Think in the morning, Act in the noon, Eat in the evening, Sleep in the night. --William Blake T He who has suffered you to impose on him knows you. --William Blake F.A.Q. The plow follows words, so God rewards prayers. --William Blake Reviews The tygers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction. --William Blake Credits

T and Cookies

Word Up is pleased to offer these earthly delights to our dedicated followers. As you give, so shall you receive:

The Flaming Word Up T-shirt

Golden yellow and 100% cotton. On the front: a red and brown reproduction of Word Up's fiery Blake-derived design. On the back: proverbs of Hell.

$15 (or 15 Euro) plus shipping

The Fortune Cookies from Hell

Communion cookies containing aphorisms from Blake's "Marriage of Heaven and Hell." Each package includes a Devil's Dozen of the 66 Proverbs of Hell.

Not currently available.

The Souvenir Program Book

Containing images from the show plus the full text of the poetry & prophecies illuminated in The Animated Blake-this program is FREE to all who confess before the Revved James Jay!

FREE! while supplies last, plus shipping

In a generous mood? Read the financial altar call for believers.

 BLAKE Intro, Acts, Synopsis, ScreenSaviour, T, F.A.Q., Reviews, Credits

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