- Microsoft
- AT&T Family Fourth
- Pierce County Arts Commission
- St. Therese Catholic Church
- Pike Place Market Festival
- The Good Guys
- Bumbershoot Arts Festival
- University Child Development School
- Escher in Seattle
- Edmonds Community College
- NW Cyberartists
- Medina Days
- Seattle Fringe Theater Festival
- Kirkland Day on the Lake
- and many more...
Booking Details
Some assumptions you can make when you hire James Jay:
- Jugglers are on-time and dependable.
- Clowns have above-average IQs.
- Television is the drug of the nation, but live theater is its soul.
The bottom line
Email jay@jamesjay.com for current performance rates. You may book James Jay directly or through your entertainment agent, at the same standard price.
To my performance fee must generally be added expenses, including transportation to and from (at the moment) Berlin, Germany.
Technical requirements
James Jay's acts have very minimal technical requirements, unless you want to hire an all-out high-tech solution for your trade show! Tech sheets for The Juggling Jukebox and Beginning Jugglers' Workshops are avilable online.
Email James Jay (jay@jamesjay.com) for further details, or to inquire about technical requirements for his other juggling acts.
Publicity: the full picture
Download digital photos for publicizing your event from James Jay's online collection. If you don't see exactly what you're looking for, be sure to ask if another angle is available!
Contact James Jay for publicity catch phrases, program blurbs, press releases, and whatever else might tickle your fancy.