Siteswaps for Multiplexing
Online juggling workshop by James Jay
Notating Multiplex Patterns
This subject is covered in Allen Knutsen's Siteswap F.A.Q. I would like to develop a more extensive collection of information about multiplex siteswaps for this section. Send your contributions to
Examples by Vince Darley and others as noted
[Culled from the JIS siteswap help files.] Note that in a lot of multiplex patterns, very small throws are used for quite large numbers of balls (obviously, since many balls are being thrown at once). This means that 2's are sometimes thrown, rather than held as in normal patterns. These are listed in their ground state where possible.
4[43]1 A four ball pattern; 441 with an extra ball.
[32] The standard 5-ball multiplex; splitting two on each throw. All these 2's are thrown.
24[54] This is a very nice pattern, which can be done continuously or
incorporated into a five-ball cascade. This 2 is held.
(4x,6)(6,4x) The five ball box. Ed Carstens says, "The main hurdle for learning this one is getting one hand to throw high while at the same time the other hand throws low and across. I think most experienced 5-ball jugglers will be able to get this one, focusing on making simultaneous throws at different heights. The 6 should be thrown at about 3 times the height of the 4."
25[35] This looks easy on JugglePro, but is physically very difficult. --Ed Carstens
MULTIPLEX HELP: | Intro | Throws | Tricks | Siteswaps | Clubs